📚 node [[sparse_representation|sparse representation]]
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⥅ related node [[sparse_representation]]
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sparse representation

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A representation of a tensor that only stores nonzero elements.

For example, the English language consists of about a million words. Consider two ways to represent a count of the words used in one English sentence:

A dense representation of this sentence must set an integer for all one million cells, placing a 0 in most of them, and a low integer into a few of them.
A sparse representation of this sentence stores only those cells symbolizing a word actually in the sentence. So, if the sentence contained only 20 unique words, then the sparse representation for the sentence would store an integer in only 20 cells.

For example, consider two ways to represent the sentence, "Dogs wag tails." As the following tables show, the dense representation consumes about a million cells; the sparse representation consumes only 3 cells:

Dense Representation Cell Number Word Occurrence
0 a 0
1 aardvark 0
2 aargh 0
3 aarti 0
… 140,391 more words with an occurrence of 0
140395 dogs 1
… 633,062 words with an occurrence of 0
773458 tails 1
… 189,135 words with an occurrence of 0
962594 wag 1
… many more words with an occurrence of 0
Sparse Representation Cell Number Word Occurrence
140395 dogs 1
773458 tails 1
962594 wag 1
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